The relational database of VPS.system structures and saves the
present information in a considered data model. The data will be
displayed in a large number of forms. Some of them are presented
The database stores data from all equipment, ships, and aerial
patterns as well as their locations (depots, moorings, airfields):
Additional equipment-specific data and photos are saved to the
above-displayed master data, and are also displayed as additional
The database also contains a considerable address file with about 6,400 addresses, phone and fax connections, e-mail addresses as
well as additional communication possibilities. These addresses are
assigned to 1,350 corporations (administrations, companies,
institutions) and 770 individuals.
Furthermore, the assignment of individuals to corporations is
projected in the database structure and, for example, displayed as
in the following image: |

In case of an incident, the user has access to the incident plans
stored in the system which are connected with the address and phone
database. In this way, the user has access to all relevant
corporation and individual address data. |

Hierarchically-structured data are presented to the user in the
database through Explorer. They also have direct connections to the
In the following, for example, the explorer for coast and response
sections presents the photo collection for a response section. |