Objectives Partners Project Database GIS Drift Model Tracking Manual Photo Docu
The Environmental Ministries of the five German coastal states and the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Housing have been working together since 1975 to prevent and combat oil pollution incidents. During this time, equipment and ships in the amount of greater than 250 million € have been purchased. Even the required operational structure was built.
The coastal states have added to this with contingency planning for the total German North and Baltic Sea coasts since 1998, including the harbours of Hamburg and Bremen. All essential operation-relevant data were compiled and edited, so that they can be easily recalled from a geographic-orientated information system with a minimum of user guidance.

Involved in project implementation are

as Project Initiator
BremenFree Hanseatic City of Bremen HamburgFree and Hanseatic City of Hamburg Mecklenburg-VorpommernMecklenburg-Western Pomerania
Lower SaxonyLower Saxony Schleswig-HolsteinSchleswig-Holstein Bundtogether with Federal Ministry of Transport
Project Supervisor  Ministry of Energy, Climate Protection, Environment and Nature
Department for Water Management, Ocean and Coastal Protection
Mr. Thomas Baumann
Mercatorstraße 3
24106 Kiel

Phone  +49 431 988 7275
E-Mail  vorsitz@vps-web.de
Special Expert

Central Command for Maritime Emergencies (CCME) Germany
Department 3
Mr. Jens Rauterberg
Am Alten Hafen 2
D-27472 Cuxhaven

Phone +49 30 185 420 2430
E-Mail fb3@havariekommando.de
Internet www.havariekommando.de

Project Management
Software Development

planiglobe GmbH
Dr. Michael Reichert
Weimarer Straße 6
D-24106 Kiel

Telefon +49 151 4045 0846
E-Mail entwickler@vps-web.de
Internet www.planiglobe.com