Drift Model
The drift model makes use of the mathematical core of the 'small
drift model' of the German Federal Maritime Hydrographic Agency
(BSH) and displays the calculated results in the easy-to-use front
end of the VPS-System. For the German Bight, a quick forecast for
the drift of oil and chemical spills, lost containers and other
floating objects is thus possible.
Furthermore, it is possible to easily import the better calculation
results of the complete drift model of the BSH Hamburg and the new
SeaTrackWeb model into VPS and display them in the same way as animation.
The BSH is set up for this data delivery for VPS, a telephone inquiry is sufficient.
A drifting oil slick is displayed as a
light purple particle cloud. Sunken particles or oil particles that
have washed ashore are displayed dark purple.
Every hour of the simulation, the modeled mid-points of the oil
slick are marked, enabling a quick view of the course of the drift.
As in the case of a recorder, the simulation can be replayed
backward and forward, or specific points of time can be selected.
Above the map, the calculated chemical-physical parameters of the
oil slick for each time point are displayed.
The full dataset of the simulation results is available in an
separate table and can also be exported into other software
